I've never been tested for it but I know I have it. As you can see from my last title. In my head when I wrote it, it said something completely different. Oh hum. Some people see it as a disadvantage but I see it as an advantage. Dyslexic people see things differently -we make good architects and entrepreneurs simply because we see things differently and don't you think that in dear old NI what might be required is thinking a little differently?? Never mind the world on a global scale I mean what is going on ?? It's a global melt down of capitalism as we know it??
Nationalising the Banks ?? wow now there is a good old socialist concept that is actually happening now . Wow. Is NI going to be saved because of the billions of pounds the Strategic Investment Board are putting in place as infrastructure projects.There there is the good old civil service keeping everyone afloat. I do feel there is great change in the air you can smell it, touch it feel it.It's all around so are you going to be part of it??
How? I've been thinking and trying to act on instincts for quite a while now. The way we live is not sustainable everything we buy or do has an impact on someone somewhere in another part of the world. The next generation after us is going to have to deal with huge issues, climate change, food shortages,lack of pension provision. Thousands of difficult issues are going to effect the next generation.What are we leaving them behind?? I do not have any children but I have enough nieces and nephews to be concerned and on a wider scale to be concerned about humanity as a whole. Mary Robinson is speaking today to talk about a bill of rights for NI. I met her once down in the Odyssey. I cant remember what it was about . Inez McCormick lined every one up to shake her hand. I do remember she had a very cold hand. You could really feel her skeleton when you shoke her hand. She said she was recovering from a cold. Amazing women and it's amazing what she has achieved in her lifetime.
What are you going to achieve in yours?? the average age women live to is around 86 at the moment for men it's less. But interestingly as women take on more "tradationally male" roles they are getting the same types of diseases. Dis-ease something not to feel ease about.
Personally I think its because society has been set up not to take into consideration humanity as a living organism. I went to a lecture once by an economist called Tony Weaks or maybe weeks. A very inspiring economist. He was bemoning the fact that economics traditionally does not take into consideration green issues or the issue of how certain jobs do not take into consideration different individuals natural talents and how if you put a fine artist in a call centre.It may not be the best use of their talent and there would be a great lose to the overall economy by forcing them down this route. Which makes me think about what is it about art collage ( a good art collage) what does it do to individuals?? Is it any use??
Why do people do it? should more or less do it? are they just trying to make up the numbers?? are less people going through them now that you have to pay your way? Does the bank of mum and dad stretch that far? What if you do not have a bank of mum and dad?
Oh the ramblings a creative mind. For me personally what art collage did for me was it gave me time and encouragement for me to become myself just a little bit more. It made me question everything and helped me absorb so many diferent influences . Helped me a little longer along the way to finding my creative self . Some of the beauty of it was that it did this is a gentle way in that you almost felt that it was'nt being at art college that did it. But it really set another foundation stone to me becoming my personal self.
The difficulty in this day and age is that does society really want "personal self" people. It needs them but does it want them? Especially in dear old NI .Put your head above the crowd and someone will come to chop it off and push you down to size? How dare you get ideas above your station? Lets all wallow in the mud together . I'm in charge how dare you actually improve your position in society. You can hear them say...............................................who ever them is.
The first time this happened to me I was wary. Then one day someone said to me " if the establishment is not happy with what your doing it's because your on to something" Keep it up.
So the next time you want to drag someone down or tell them it will never work. Why not encourage them instead. Watch them soar.
Anyway enough of this rant. I've got a bit of a cold in my throat and staying low in order to get rid of it. I got my first framed pictures back last night and they look fantastic. Even if i SAY SO MYSELF. I went to the naughton gallery opening and remember there is the secret sale of at work from 5 tonight. It's quite easy to spot the artists work. I see quite a bit of BPW artist work in there. and dont forget about the art tour bus tomorrow and what about the Maze. You will be amazed.
Bye for now................remember the world is still turning but for how long.
Thanks for this rant! You're spot on when it comes to dyslexia. I trust you don't mind, I've quoted you on our website www.causesofdyslexia.com check it out if you'd like.
Chris thanks for your response, I never realised I had a problem until I started to use word and had a spell checker.Bad hand writing was always a way around it. But I like to think of it not as a problem but as an added bonus.
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