Wednesday, 29 October 2008


Who invented it and what is it for?? a kind of release valve. I recieved all my frames this morning then they got picked up and are heading to Clotworthy as we speak, nearly all of them. There is always a missing link, I can see what someone said to be about being around artists when an exhibition is coming up.

Its a wee bit stressful to say the least, however my invites finally got sent out and I've been getting some interesting relpys. Such as I never knew you did Art - what does that mean exactly?? do art?? What is creativity anyway??? explanation required, answers on a postcard please.

Speaking of postcards all the ones at the Naughton gallery got sold off at the weekend and now they are onto Community Alphabets. The queens festival is still on somewhere?? anyone been to anything? What I have noticed is that there are very few people out having lunch at the moment, there has been a tightening of belts for a bit, Please are starting to rationalise their spending habits.

But there has never been a better time to spend on Art, honest. Everything else is going down in value but at least we still have that warm fuzzy feeling you get when buying art................honestly and it's not just because I have an exhibition coming up.

So onward with the list of things to do before the weekend. I'm making a folder for my Chinese prints and it needs to be beautiful so it has a bit to go yet but I have all the elements.

Bye for now.

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