Somone asked why do the blog? well there are a few reasons really, first off I was confusing people I am envolved in so many different things and go so many different places that people were not able to suss me out.
You know in NI people like to be able to put you in a box, you are this ,you must be this, you are that ,you must be that, rap a tat tat , rat a tat tat, rat a tat tat.
Hay does anyone want to out that to music? it would make a good rap. oh a, oh oh a.;-)
Sorry let me go back on track I'd like to kinda explain why I started the blog, I have been involved in "people" development for the last 12 years but probably all my life really. I have a knack of bringing ideas to people that help them focus and get on with their lives in a positive way. I look at the whole person in the professional, political, personal and financial sense. Always encouraging people to do good by others and not take advantage because you know it's the little things that make a difference.
Professor Pauline Murphy was a great inspiration to me for the first 3 things but I added in the financial . The reason being I found that so many people could do the first three things but had no money to do anything about it.
Why do I encourage people to look at ART well it has been my training and it helps people to think, to really think, really, really think. Even when they don't understand at least confusion is a reaction, a real reaction instead of that cold stupor of watching the television. Zombie,are you a TV Zombie?????????????????????????????? has that been the only way people in Northern Ireland have been able to survive the last 40 years by locking their doors and staring at the TV?????? Is it not time to come out?? just a peak?
Anyway what I realised is that there is a lot of interesting things going on out there and only if people knew about them they might go or if they could not go maybe they could be inspired to start something similar in their area or lobby for change or ask different questions or somehow get a little movement going on a little positive movement. So I just thought I'd share with you some of the feedback I have received so far
1. Possible salsa classes starting in remote villages
2. Inspired some to contact their political representatives
3. Inspired others to ask why events on the credit crunch were not happening in their area
4. Inspired some to do their own you tube video
5. Got people to Art openings that they did not know about
6. Got people to buy art at openings they didn't know about
7. Got people to realise that living in Belfast is not so bad considering how expensive it is to live in London.
8. Inspired some people to think about moving back to Northern Ireland from overseas
9. Encouraged some people to stay in NI
10. Helped people identify where the PINK part of NI is.
11. brought customers to really good services (not the crap ones you don't realise until you have spent your money)
12. Got people to remember there is a moon out there.
13. Encouraged some people to start recycling.
14. Got other people to hug more (very important)
15. Got people to switch off their TV( and do something more interesting you remember that show)
16. Gave information that helped people realise opportunity deadlines.
17. Stopped people from over drinking( tough that one but hay)
18. Got people to plan trips to Barcelona, Liverpool, London, and all the way to Portaferry and Strangford.
19. Helped people realise that NI is changing, encouraged people to see that NI is changing, encouraged people to help change it in a very positive manor.
20. I believe I did get someone to stop using their mobile phone so much that it was doing their and everyone elses head in...........................................................
21. Got some people to attend creative industries events in Scotland ( great bring back the positive learning)
22. Oh and I got people to think about buying the lovely ruburb and custard stoggy muffins in sandy Row. (For those of you that dont know go out of days hotel turn left and its the first bakery on your left. Very happy people will serve you and at this time of the year the hot cross buns are faboulous)
23. Got lots of people to be very curious about Peter W.(who is the international man of mystery)
24. Got some people to come out of the closet with their friends.
25. Got people to rethink their wardrobes and the importance of perfume............yum,yum.
That is really the first 25 things that I can think of off the top of my head................. I've really enjoyed the crack so far and I know by the verbal feedback I have been getting you have enjoyed the fun of the information.the one thing that I find really wierd is that sometimes people come up to me and say things , and I'm wondering what they are on about then realise that they have read my blog and are replying to something I said in it.'s very pecular indeed. .....but most of the time enjoyable because it helping people see that there is change happening in NI, I just hope the climate change doesnt wipe us out before we see the benifit of it.......
ho hum Maybe see you around the galleries tonight...............Happy International women's Day.;-) oh has it stopped snowing ?????climate change what climate change?? birr hope the snow drops are ok.
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