Tuesday, 17 March 2009

St Patricks day in Belfast

So down we went on the comber greenway cycle path into the city centre, cycling down past the Odessey we got stopped by the police with the speed radar. Laughingly he said we were doing 9 miles an hour. Missing the parade the event at customs house square was full of familys happily listening to the music, lots of teenagers in crazy hats. I forgot the battery for my camera but witnessed some youth with the police, they were getting their photos taken with them and a tri colour draped in front of them. All in good humour. The town was not massively busy some tourists about lots of young people with carry outs.
Lunch at fountain tavern in fountain street upstairs (big food lots of people) left us feeling contented. There was a police presence but it seemed low key we were comparing it to Bastile day in France were everyone would be out dancing in the streets and the army parade their weaponery in the centre of Paris and you can climb over the tanks in the park afterwards> Himmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm do not think that will happen any time soon in Belfast.
You certainly would not see lots of young people out drinking in the streets not in Paris. The evening was taken up with Bill Welan and the Ulster Orchestra at the water front, thanks to Belfast City Council sponsoring it. I have to say it really was fantastic the music and dancing superb. At one point there was a flamenco and an Irish dancer dancing at the same time to the orchestra, one of the Corrs was playing the violin and all free. We left feeling Belfast had come of age the Lord Major congratulated us on the way out for cycling and we told him he should "get on his bike as well" he was happy that Belfast did not have any negative images to beam around the world on St Pats day. I believe those of you that went down to castleward enjoyed the fresh air as well.

So it looks like the jolly that the politicians went on to the US brought in a few million, at least on paper we shall see what hits the ground if it does................................................ and I have a confession to make, I saw a girl with a I love Belfast t shirt on I wondered when that was going to happen. It's good to see......................

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