Tuesday, 6 October 2009

This time last year?

I WAS LOOKING AT MY POST FOR THIS TIME LAST YEAR what was going on? has Belfast progressed? yes. HOw well in lots of ways I think, in the high level side of life there are talks about handing over policeing and justice to local representitives, the water charges has not been brought in so there is a knock on effects budgets have to be cut, not popular . Maternity services are being cut as there is not enough funds in the kitty to provide for all the babys being born. NI is finally seeing things that only ever happened in the UK cuts in services. Lower down the food scale Belfast is Buzzing(not just in a marketing sense) the night life has returned and while budgets are tight people are still out enjoying themselves. Art has come from everywhere, people are connecting,alliances are being made. Relationships started, others complete their cycle, babies being born, structures changing, others staying the same. People coming back to live in dear wee NI to try again at living here. Life goes on.Another turn on the wheel another cycle of change, another step into something else. Just leave the begrudgers behind.Encourage them to move on. On step on.

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