Wednesday 4 August 2010

Ps2 tomorrow

Opening: Thursday, 05 August 2010, 6-9pm
Inter alia- Michael Hanna, Ryan Moffett; video installation

This project by two of the residency artists currently at work in the digital arts studios, Belfast, is a work in progress: a slow destruction and rebuilding of an initial video installation with 24 monitors.
The opening of the project contains a selection of video works by Michael Hanna produced between 2008 and the present.
Over the course of inter alia, this work will be dismantled and reworked as the room becomes a combination of exhibition space and workshop as Ryan Moffett’s new project ‘The Tree House’ is realised. For the period of the project, the space will exist in a transitory state presenting elements from both artists’ work in various states of completion>
By the end, all that will remain will be Ryan Moffett's finished installation.

The Digital Arts Studios Residency scheme supports artists working with new media technology.

‘Inter alia’ continues till 21 August 2010; closing event: Friday 20 August 2010, 7- 9pm
24 hour window viewing

For more information see: to download the digital arts studios summer events see
To contact PS²: or 07733457772

This project is funded by the National Lottery through the Arts Council of Northern Ireland.
PS² is supported by the Arts Council of Northern Ireland.
Please forward to interested parties

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