Wednesday, 21 October 2009

First poppy

I saw my first poppy today,quickly in the lapel of a man in the street. It reminded me that another year s nearly over and what have we achieved? What has been achieved? On a big scale we still have Peace .Well a peace of sorts there was a car bomb that went off not too far away from where I live last week. Belfast city centre is buzzing loud and clear, as I write I hear an ice cream van outside ? thats a bit wierd? does it sell cigarettes as well? Who knows, who knows? what is it doing going around at this tme of the night? the city hall is reopened, the Ulster museum as well , the Ulster Hall refurbished. But what of the people what exactly has happened with them? have the people of Belfast changed at all?? How have they changed or are they still thinking along the same old lines?? it's hard to know really. I know some people who have moved here from other places, I know some people who have moved back here after escaping for a while and all along with each little shift up or down society changes bit by bit. Moving back and forward piece by piece.Bit by bit over and over it goes.

Have I changed any? well I've got a little bit older?? wiser?? who can say as I move up into my Birthday it feels good to be alive and a very interesting time to be living in Belfast. Seeing it develop and participating in it's growth, change, shift movement. Out of the gloom and into another being, a more confident way of being a more excepting way of being. Changed poised for movement, into another age. Place space time. I'm looking forward to the next stage. Watch out for the poppy's will your attitude to them change this year???

On another note I have a number of friends and relatives that are waiting for their partners to give birth all into different families all into different social structures. Is in their life time society in N.Ireland going to be very different to the one that I was born inoto???? I suppose it partly depends on who we vote in next year.oh will it be that time already????? ho hum.

In the meantime go and see something in the Queens festival to cheer you up and support all those amazing acts out there.

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