Exhibition on until 3 June in the linenhall Library.
There is an interesting selection of posters exhibited in the Linenhall Library at the moment as part of polish cultural week. There are not many surviving because when they first came out they were illegal and when pasted up in the night were often stripped down by early morning. But it's interesting to see that the messages and the symbols were so important.There is ione in particular that stands out it's of the initials for Litz Waleza. I heard him speak once, he was over for a conferance in the waterfront hall . I think it was the state of the world forum, there were lots of high level speakers and a informal interview with Leit Walsza I rememeber he talked about how he never expected to be in the position that he came but it was a series of thoughts,convictions and circumstances that brought him to the position that he found himself in.He kept on speaking right through the interval because everyone just found him so interesting.
The other two things I remember about the conferance was,
1. a man from America stated that everyone was now agreeing that there should be some sort of global police? (did I vote for that?)
2. the other was a women from a community organisation in Belfast, she jumped up with her fist in the air and stated that the conferance had inspired her to keep talking out in her community even though many people wanted her to keep silent and only go with the "agreeded community line".
So it's interesting to see how politics can inspire posters great that Krzysztof Dydo decided to keep and collect these posters and all these years on from the Polish revolution it's nice to see that Northern Ireland is benifiting from the wider benifits that European enlargement has produced.
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