Wednesday, 21 July 2010

great title-how to sell when no one is buying

Networking Event: How to sell when no-one is buying

Learn five ways in five days to grow your sales and get customers to buy. Colly Graham, Salesxcellence

When: Thursday 5 August 2010
Where: The Belmont Tower, 82 Belmont Church Road, Belfast, BT4 3FG
Time: Registration 5.30pm, event starts at 6pm sharp
Cost: FREE

This event will be followed up by a practical workshop on Persuasive Selling Techniques. The workshop aims to help businesses understand the language patterns which build rapport and learn the persuasion skills of top performing sales people.
When: Thursday 19 August 2010, City East, 5.30-8pm
Please note: workshops are only open to businesses based in Belfast City Council area.

At each networking event 4-6 businesses will be given the opportunity to have an exhibition space to promote their business. One business per event will also be able to promote their business at the ‘Soap Box’ slot.

If you are interested in attending, exhibiting or speaking at the soap box slot you must register in advance as places are limited. Please contact Aaron on

Interested in breaking into new markets?
Belfast City Council is offering up to 12 hours of one to one mentoring with experienced business consultants for local businesses interested in growing into new markets outside of Northern Ireland. This support is provided free of charge to small businesses based in the council area. For further information on this offer and eligibility criteria please contact Ruth Rea on 028 9050 0518 or email

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