Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Belfast Exposed 12 March

Copyleft, Intellectual Property, Creative Commons: 12pm - 3pm

Screening and discussion around Copyleft, Intellectual property rights and Creative Commons licensing.

Censorship, Self Censorship and Artistic Expression 4pm - 5pm

An open conversation with local artists about constraints on freedom of expression and how it impacts on their practice. Facilitated by Julia Farrington, Index on Censorship.

Privacy, Human Rights & the Law 7.30pm - 9pm

John Fitzpatrick director of Kent Law Clinic assess the importance of privacy in our lives today. Does the ‘surveillance state’ pose a threat to it? Does the retention of our DNA profiles represent an invasion of our privacy, or even undermine the principle that we are innocent until proven guilty? Should the principle of consent bow before the practical gains for the prevention and detection of crime?

For more information

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