Friday, 22 January 2010

whats really going on in Haiti

Three Women's Rights Leaders Killed in Haiti
The women's movement is mourning three Haitian leaders who died in last week's earthquake, CNN reported Jan. 20. Myriam Merlet, Magalie Marcelin and Anne Marie Coriolan, founders of three of the country's most important advocacy organizations working on behalf of women and girls, are confirmed dead.

Myriam Merlet was until recently the chief of staff of Haiti's Ministry for Gender and the Rights of Women and still served as a top adviser. She was also the founder of Enfofamn, an organization that raises awareness about women through media, collects stories and works to honor their names.

Magalie Marcelin, a lawyer and actress who appeared in films and on stage, established Kay Fanm, a women's rights organization that deals with domestic violence, offers services and shelter to women and makes microcredits, or loans, available to women.

Anne Marie Coriolan served as a top adviser to the women's rights ministry with Merlet. She was the founder of Solidarite Fanm Ayisyen (Solidarity with Haitian Women, or SOFA), an advocacy and services organization, and also helped bring the issue of rape to the forefront of Haitian courts.

There is now concern about the future of Haiti's women and girls with these three leaders gone. Even with all that's been achieved, the struggle for equality and against violence remains enormous, the article reported.

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