Monday, 2 November 2009

Bill of rights for Northern ireland?

At 2.30pm on Tuesday the 3rd of November the Assembly will be debating a motion regarding the Bill of Rights. The full text of the motion is included below.

Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission

That this Assembly considers the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission’s advice to the Secretary of State “A Bill of Rights for Northern Ireland” as incompatible with the provisions of the Belfast Agreement; notes with concern that the report’s proposals would undermine the democratic role and authority of this Assembly and the Parliament of the United kingdom; and urges the Secretary of State not to implement the report’s recommendations.

[Mr T Elliott]
[Mr D Kennedy]
[08 September 2009]

This debate comes at a hugely important time for the Bill of Rights and will show clearly where the different political parties stand on the issue. We are determined to show both elected representatives and the members of the media who will be present, the breath of support the Bill has and its importance to communities across Northern Ireland.

Having large numbers of Consortium members present in the Public gallery in Stormont on the day would show the support that exists for a Bill of Rights and we would therefore encourage you and your colleagues to attend the debate. We would be only too happy to provide any assistance in facilitating this.

We would also encourage members to write to their local MLA’s, particularly those proposing the motion in advance of this debate, highlighting the importance of the Bill of Rights. We can provide help in drafting a letter if required.

As ever for planning purposes we would appreciate you informing us of any actions you take.

Yours Sincerely,

Donal Lyons

Donal Lyons

Campaign and Administration Assistant

Human Rights Consortium

Cathedral Chambers,

Third Floor,

143 Royal Avenue,


Tel - 028 90 313 780

Mobile - 078 4677 0144

Website -

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