Monday, 8 June 2009

just a quickie

I was thinking about all those leaving art collage this year-what their hopes and fears are? are they any different from when you actually start art college? I know they are graduating in a very difficult climate, but then art is always a difficult climate. They are probably looking at what to do next with a overdraft a bit of heartache and lots of different experiences.

What i do know is many of them will be disappointed with their grades-that always happens, there will be a bit of back biting and bitching-that always happens and a few tears and hopefulness.

I know that although they might not realise it yet their experience will be one of the foundation stones of their future lives and it's very much up to them exactly what it is that they do with it. Sit around and wait for someone to make them successful or go ahead and and get up and do something for themselves? So whats it going to be the sit and whinge? or go and do? the choice is up to them.

But its worth going to have a look to see.

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