Friday, 27 February 2009

you life

Is you life about take! take! take! do you take ideas from all of the people around you for your own personal gain? have you done that all your life? up until now where has it got you? Have you ever thought about it?

Take! take !take! it might make you financially secure but what about emotionally? What has it done for your soul ? is your soul greedy ?? take, take, take, take, take. Can you see that on your face?? I have noticed that people who live their life like this look older than their years. Are always grasping for the next thing they can steal from people. Poor morals and you can tell by how they take, take, take, take, take, take................not looking for the best opportunity for the people around but always wanting to take, take, take.

Why do people think like this ? why are they grasping? grasping? grasping? what is it in their minds that lets them sleep at night? Let them push away in their heads how they are dealing with people in a less than moral way?? Not treating people with respect and trying to rip them off??? Taking their intellectual property!!! take, take, take.

I find it sad really that people think the only way they can survive in this world is to take from others rather than giving . I find it quite sad................and wonder on their death beds will they be happy with the money they have gathered as a result of this attitude ? While around them the people that they have taken from are left without their ideas, their creative input. Sad really.................................... but at least it's spring..............maybe the next time you want to take from others you should consider, where your greed is taking you. Instead of taking............. give without thought. Seek win, win situations not power over but power with....................... and it will tell on your face, you will glow in a different way.....................maybe that's also why I look younger than my years;-)Simple things make a difference.

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