Thursday, 26 February 2009

What do creative people do?

Ok this is a kind of theme with me I am a creative person but what is it that I am supposed to do with that creativity?? Is it really just for making things to hang on a wall?? is that what it was given to us for ??? Its one strand yes but there are so many things that creative people can put their minds to and when I got really annoyed at my own creativity and thought what is the point of using it to make jumpers when Northern Ireland is in such a mess I got involved in many other things and used my creativity for many different purposes. I was laughed at, ridiculed, misunderstood but you know what all the best people are. that's ok. I'm used to it.

Anyway for 12 years I have been involved in all sorts of development projects that fit with my moral code and if you want to understand how difficult it is for some people in Northern Ireland because of the crust that has built up around us and want to do something about it you can have a look at the conference next week run by the equality commission. But then again maybe you don't care??? It's that word again care, is there any room for it in our society??Caring. It would be nice to think so but I'm not sure how much of it is around.................but we keep on trying.


“Bridge the Gap – Improving Access to Employment”
The Equality Commission invites you to a major conference on employ ability on Tuesday 3rd March 2009 in Belfast Castle.

You will hear about how to identify strategies to tackle inequalities in employment. You will also have opportunities to
update your understanding of barriers to employment for marginalised groups
see how some employers are addressing these issues and how it benefits their organisations
network and engage with organisations which provide programmes and support to employers

Chaired by Bob Collins, Chief Commissioner, Equality Commission for NI, the conference will welcome a number of speakers and facilitators representing government departments, public and private sector employers and voluntary/community organisations.

The Conference will also see the launch of the Commission’s new ‘Unified Guide to Promoting Equal Opportunities in Employment’. This publication amalgamates in one document practical guidance for employers on how to comply with their responsibilities under each of the anti-discrimination laws.

Participants are asked, when registering, to indicate their preferences to attend two of six workshops, one from each session as listed on the attached document. The workshops are designed to inform and provide opportunities to contribute on some of the key equality issues in employment.
To register for the conference and give details of your selected workshops please contact Amy McNaughton, Employment Development Division Amy can be contacted on 028 90 500 595 or by email on

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