Wednesday 28 January 2009


I have just come back from North Belfast and thought I'd write a few things that came into my head . Some of the women in the group I have been working with were taking about the proposal that has been put forward to give £12,000 to every victims family, welll every family that has had a death . Be it on what ever side. There was alot of anger at this proposal. One women said a bomb went off in front of her mothers house and she had to move and has never been the same since, is she not a victim?Another said her brother had been shot dead was she not a victim after what she had been through with that?

Victim , victim what is in a name................its such a horrible word something that makes you want to lay down and personal feeling after all these years thinking about this is that we are all victims we have all suffered in different way, some immediately with violence and death and destruction but others in more subtle ways. Through lack of opportunity because of the troubles, last of proper infrastructure because of inefficiency. etc etc etc . Take Strangford, have you ever been to West Cork? beautiful place lots going on lots of money from Tourism. Come North Strangford beautiful place very few tourists because people have been scared to visit. As a result the local economy has to rely on the local population in the winter and a few extras in the summer. As a result unless your a pub nothing much doing in the winter. People have to ove away to get jobs etc etc etc.

Anyway I hate victim..................we shall see what happens with the proposals.

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