Saturday 24 January 2009

10 reasons to live in Belfast not London

It's frosty this morning is it not ? The cool crisp air of the light blue sky over head links the existence of up there with down here.

Sorry I got carried away but it is a lovely crisp morning, when I was young my primary school teacher used to say "Jack Frost has been in the night" we would look out the window as the blanket of white and wonder at the change. You didn't get frost so much down on the shore where we were as the salt air kept it away. But is it colder than usual?? Well we did get snow last year so we shall see. The stars were really twinkling last night as the cold air was making everything sharper and clearer.

Anyway enough of that I have been processing my trip to London and I got to know London when I was a student at Winchester School of Art, Hampshire. It was only a few hours up on the train and we used to go up with collage. I lived in North London for a while in the 80's after I just finished collage and found different areas of it interesting at different times of my life.

So what was interesting ?? well there is always two sides to everything.

10 reasons to live in Belfast instead of London

1. Belfast £3 to go to the cinema on a Tuesday, London £8.50 (if not central )
2. Belfast £1.30 Metro bus ticket, London minimum £4 for any journey one way ( with no oyster card) £7.20 for 1 day travel card
3. Belfast -from centre 30 mins not in rush hour- get to Country side.
London- from centre 30 mins not in rush hour - get no where
4. Belfast -VIP ticket means free bar, London - VIP ticket means buy your own.
5. Belfast -people understands my accent, London -everyone thinks I'm Scottish
6. Belfast-People talk to you a bus stops- London -everyone is busy being alone
7. Belfast- Rents are cheaper, London- £250 a week are you kidding me ;-/
8.Belfast-You see change every day- London you see change every minute (slow down)
9.Belfast- We get longer evenings in the summer-London-dirty,dirty,dirty
10. Belfast-We are experiencing a economic correction- London is experiencing an economic meltdown.

Anyone any thoughts on that?????
What I also noticed was that Del have a new campaign on . cmonover I noticed it on the Ryan air planes coming over to Belfast is that really the place to put the adverts?????? I mean the people on the plane were already on there way over. You can check out what they are saying about us on

another one is

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