Tuesday, 18 November 2008

Can't sleep

I went to a lecture last night at Queens on the Future of Knowledge by Larry Pusak (not sure of the spelling) he's an authority on knowledge.

What really struck me was two things, learning how to learn was very important , not necessarily learning applications but learning how to learn. Which I think is what happens when your in Art collage you kinda question everything- even your teaching which sort of makes you not except the norm and question everything skills that are going to be needed in the next stage of human development with all the problems the next generations have in store for them.

Not sure what I mean? what about resources ? there are not going to be enough?? to go on as we are we have to innovate, how do you innovate ? not by following what has gone before but by thinking about things in different ways ? Oh you see it goes back to thinking , who thinks differently ?? Artists creative people , people who are dyslexic etc, etc, etc.

The second thing is what has been revered in the past is Western Knowledge, but with technology the West no longer has a monopoly on that kind of knowledge. From your laptop you can look that up anywhere.

So knowledge and innovation are the only ways. It's not natural resources, it's knowledge that has made Japan what it is. It kinda made me wonder if knowledge from the native peoples is going to be more revered in the next stage of the earths history as they had a much more respectful relationship with the earth than the Westerners ever did.

Or is it all too late??? We just have to keep learning how to sail and hope . Who knows..........

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