Wednesday, 12 November 2008

Another child is born

In the last couple of days a couple of babies have been born into Northern Ireland, and probably a lot more but I'd like to focus on 2 in particular. One of them lives down at the end of the Ards peninsula the other one in Tigers bay in North Belfast.

I could not but help think about the different influences that will be surrounding them when they grow up one in a rural area and one in a city area, a city area with many different influences around them and I could not help but think about the different opportunitys of lack of them that might form becuse of where they will grow up.

The two for them will probably never meet up. Is Northern Ireland going to be a better place because of what we are outing in place now???? or is it going to be the same ??? I suppose the answer is up to us ?

After all we are participating in life now are we not???

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