Tuesday, 12 August 2008

Rain, rain, rain

Oh when will it ever stop ? the rain that is. I feel sorry for all those people with Belsonic festival tickets, not a nice day to stand in Customs house square in the wet. Yesterday I was in Belfast city centre and it was interesting to see at 7.30 in the evening just how many people were around. Lots of French tourists but then it is August their prime holiday time. I'm sure they think that what ever they heard about the rain in Ireland was an underestimation.

Turn the clock back even five years ago and there would not be that many people about at that time.It's just one more signal that Belfast it getting back in the swing of things. The other thing I have noticed is just how many people from the South of Ireland are shopping in Victoria square, if you listen to shoppers every other person seems to be from the South. So hopefully with the tourists and day trippers from the South it might keep the Belfast economy going a bit longer than would otherwise be possible. I have to say when you go around the shops you don't get the feeling that their is a credit crunch happening. There are lots of people out shopping.

So apart from that I have noticed that O Carrolls are opening a shop in High Street, you might recognise them from Dublin, just the place you want to go it you want to buy Guinness slippers or leprechaun hats. There is nothing like a bit of Paddywhackery. Is there a Ulster Scots equivelent? can't wait to see it if there is ? but just what would the shop include?

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