Friday, 16 May 2008

No we did not get caught up in the earthquake

To all those people who contacted me concerned that we got caught up in the earthquake I have to let you know that we got home safe and sound. We were actually in a taxi at the time in Shanghai and did not feel a thing . We went to visit a friend that was in an office in a high rise and he felt the windows shaking, had thought it was work men drilling in the road. We had moved out of the area a few days before.

Quite horrendous when we finally got to see pictures of it and they are still finding bodies. I suspect they will continue to for a while yet. China has an army of 2.5 million and lots of them are busy in the rescue operation. The worst place to be at the time was in doors. Now they are worried about flooding because of cracks in the dams that have appeared.

So after our China Odyssey what are the first thoughts on coming home to Belfast? Well actually the first thing we noticed was how crystal clear the air was and it was great to see a blue sky again, many areas in China are very polluted particularly Guiyang, where everyone drives with one hand on the horn of the car. It was nice getting back to clear cool air particularly as we stopped off in Dubai for a day on the way back and it was 39 degrees.

Maybe our climate is not so bad after all?

We also saw an article in China daily about the Economic conference in Belfast last week and it makes you realise just how much of a "special case" N.I has been. But you know what there is a big bad world out there that has better claim than we have on being a special case and the time is coming soon when dear old N.I will just have to stop holding it's hand out for money and sympathy and just get on with it.

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