Tuesday, 1 April 2008

Frank Ghery on the Shankill ?

It's not every morning your getting your photo taken for a book? The International Fund for Ireland (IFI) are publishing a book of 21 years of the IFI's work I was interviewed a number of months ago for it and this morning we were getting photos taken at Townsend Enterprise Centre http://www.townsend.co.uk/ at the bottom of the Shankill and the Falls where I participated on a wider horizons programme.

Why am I in the book you ask? well many years ago I came back to Northern Ireland after living in England the US and a time in Spain and I just could not settle there did'nt seem to be anything here I could do, everyone was down in the dumbs and depressed because of the ongoing political situation. The wider horizons programme took me and 24 other young people from the North and South of Ireland to Thunderbay http://www.thunderbay.ca/ in Canada for four months and it completely changed my view on what I could do with my life.Not only the creasefires happened. Out went the Art and in came the training/development/consultancy working on projects that would help in some why bring change to individuals that would in turn bring change to Northern Ireland. An NLP specialist told me I had a brain flip...................sounds good to me.

In some why it's only now that I have had time to reflect on what an amazing 10 years I've had just on being helped to make that decision to stay and participate in working on change in some way. Anyway your wondering what's this got to do with Frank Ghery ? Maybe some of you are wondering who Frank Ghery is? well when I was down getting my photo taken I noticed a fantastic structure at the bottom of the Shankil and thought perhaps the great international architect himself had decided to build something on the Road.

Or maybe someone just set fire to a building and the heat melted it but I think it looks great.

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